Saturday, September 06, 2014

Ethakka Tholi Thoran | Raw Nendram Banana Peel Dish | Side Dish for rice

I have no idea that a side dish / kootu can be made with the peel of a nendram banana untill i see it here.So when i bought some banana for sarkari upperi i decided not to waste the peel and made this thoran/kootu.Do give a try when you  this banana

Prepartion time:5 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins
Cuisine: side dish for rice | Indian


  • Ethaka tholi /Raw Nendram banana peel- from 3 banana
  • Turmeric powder-1\2 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Water

To grind:

  • Grated coconut-1\2 cup
  • Green chilly-2 r 3
  • Garlic pods-2 r 3
  • Jeera/cumin seeds-1\2 tsp
  • Turmeric powdr-1\4 tsp
  • small onion/shallot-3

To temper:
  • Oil-2 tsp
  • Mustard seeds-1\2 tsp
  • Red chilly-1
  • curry leaves-few


1.Chop the banana skin into small pieces.Clean them well in water with some turmeric powder.Drain the water well.

2.Add some water and salt ,cook it well till all water evaporates and its well cooked.Mean while grind all the ingredients under "to grind" to a coarse paste.

3.Heat oil in a wok/pan temper with all the ingredients given then add the ground paste,saute for a while.

4.Then add the cooked peels and mix well.Check for salt and add.Wait for everything to blend well.

Easy and tasty thoran is ready to be served for rice.

1 comment:

  1. that's quite a new and different recipe for me :) like it babi


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