Saturday, June 25, 2022

Simple Tea Cake | Cardamon Tea cake | Bakery style

I love to bake,  cake or cookies or bread what so ever it is i just love it and thrilled to see the outcome .I think my love for baking is growing rapidly.I enjoy making after school snacks for my kids.Everyday i think from morning about it.My daughter was saying me ma you never baked simple vanilla cake so yesterday decided to bake this tea cake from priya's space.My son who only like chocolate cake love it too.Try its very easy too ,if you don't have oven use cooker to bake check here for it.I already have an eggless version of sponge cake check it here

 Preparation time: 10 mins
Baking time:40-50 mins

Source: cook like priya


  • Flour/APF/Maida-1 n 1\2 cup
  • Melted butter-1\2 cup
  • Sugar-1\2 cup
  • Whole cardamon -5
  • Vanilla essence-1 tsp
  • Baking powder-1 tsp
  • Egg-2
  • milk-1\2 cup(adjust)

Tea cake


1.Break the cardamon remove the husk and powder the seed with sugar in the mixer.

2.Separate egg yolk and white.Sieve flour with baking powder.

3.In a mixing bowl cream butter with sugar mix well.Then add one yolk at time and beat well.Add essence and mix.

4.Add in the dry ingredients and mix well if its difficult to mix add milk.

5.Beat the egg white to frothy and gently fold in in to the batter( don't over mix).Pour the batter in to a greased baking pan and bake it in pre heated oven for 40-50 mins at 180 deg C or till done.

Cool in wire racks,cut and serve with tea/coffee.

Want a piece !!!!!!!!


Baking time may vary from oven to oven.


  1. cake looks so soft and delicious....

  2. Tea cakes are an addiction... Looks good

  3. delicous cake dear.looks so soft and spongy

  4. No i dont want a piece, want whole cake, looks so yummy

  5. I love such recipes and I bet your house smelled awesome after baking this cake!

  6. Cardamom flavored tea:-) yum yum


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