Friday, May 16, 2014

Eggless Chocolate Ice Cream | Ice cream recipe without Ice cream Maker

Two days my broadband was in problem so couldn't post anything now its fine.Summer is at its peak always want to chill out something cool.Kids asked to make this ice cream,made it they loved it.Its very easy try it.

Preparation time: 15 mins
cooking time:15 mins
Freezing time:1 day (depends)


  • Milk-500 ml
  • Sugar-1\2 cup
  • Cream powder-1\4 cup
  • Cooking chocolate slag-1\3 portion
  • cocoa powder- 2 tbsp
  • Liquid glucose-3 tsp


1.Boil the milk.Add in chocolate slab,cocoa powder ,sugar and liquid glucose.Add one by one and mix well.Allow it to cool.

2.In a large bowl mix cream powder with little water and beat it using the hand blender  you will get soft peak whipped cream.When the milk mixture is little cooled pour it in to the cream and mix well.

3.Transfer it to a freezer safe box and freeze it.After 1-2 hours take it and blend again to break the ice crystals.Do this for 2-3 times in this way you get a creamy one.

4.After 4-6 hours when its set scoops it out and serve.

Yummy chocolate ice cream is ready.


1.You can use dairy cream also which is available in tetra packs.
2.If you don't have liquid glucose skip it.Crystallization of sugar is avoided with it & also it gives nice smoothy texture.


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