Monday, March 31, 2014

Amchur Powder / Dried Mango Powder | How to make mango powder at Home | DIY

dried mango powder

Today's recipe is an easy one when mangoes are season do make this and keep.It's such a keeper  which can be used in all north Indian gravies.Adding this ingredient gives your curry a tangy taste.

Preparation time: 5 mins
Drying time: 3-4 days
Makes- 1\4 cup


  • Mango-1 (medium sized)


1.Wash the mango well.Using peeler/ knife peel it in to thin slices as possible.( i used my peeler to do the job)

2.Spread it on a plate and dry it on sun.It may take 3-4 days to completely dry.

3.When well dried it will become crisper.Transfer it tot he blender and make a fine powder of it.

Store  and use.

Use it in curries and gravies.It gives nice tangy taste.


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