Saturday, December 07, 2013

Eggless Slovak Paska Bread | For Eggless Baking Group

For November month Gayathiri suggested to bake this slovak paska bread and paska peeps for eggless baking group.I made the bread but did not make peeps.Its the Easter bread of eastern Europe with decorated top.


  • Flour/maida-1 cup
  • wheat flour-1 cup + for dusting
  • milk powder-1\4 cup
  • dry yeast-1 &1\2 tsp
  • sugar-1\4  cup + 1 tsp
  • salt-1\2 tsp
  • warm water
  • olive oil-as needed
  • Milk- to brush on top
  • butter

How i made:

1.In 1\4 cup warm water add dry yeast,1 tsp sugar and allow it to proof.

2.In a mixing bowl add both flour,milk powder,salt and proofed yeast solution with some oil knead to dough.

3.In a oiled container allow it to proof.

4.After doubled punch it out ,add flour if needed.Take half of the dough and place in a greased baking pan.

5.With the remaining dough i tried to make braids,not so perfect somehow i made and placed over it.Allow to double again.

6.Brush on top with milk.

7.Bake it in a pre heated oven for 30mins or till its is browned on top.

8.Brush some butter over it when its out from oven.

9.Cool slice and enjoy.

It was soo soft.


1.Baking time may vary from oven to oven.

linking to event @ sapna's space


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